Webster's English Dictionary

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1. pick \'pik\ vb [ME piken, partly fr. (assumed) OE pi-cian (akin to MD 
   picken] to prick); partly fr. MF piquer to prick - more at PIKE 1: to 
   pierce, penetrate, or break up with a pointed instrument  2a: to remove bit 
   by bit {~ meat from bones}  2b: to remove covering or adhering matter from 
   {~ the bones}  3a: to gather by plucking {~ apples}  3b: CULL, SELECT  4: 
   PILFER, ROB {~ pockets}  5: PROVOKE {~ a quarrel}  6a: to dig into or pull 
   lightly at  6b: to pluck with a plectrum or with the fingers  6c: to loosen 
   or pull apart with a sharp point  7: to unlock with a wire instead of the 
   key  1: to use or work with a pick  2: to gather or harvest something by 
   plucking  3: PILFER  4: to eat sparingly or mincingly  1: HARASS  2: to 
   single out for special attention  - pick.er n
2. pick n 1: a blow or stroke with a pointed instrument  2a: the act or 
   privilege of choosing or selecting : CHOICE  2b: the best or choicest one  
   3: the portion of a crop gathered at one time 
3. pick vt [ME pykken, alter. of picchen to pitch] chiefly dial  1: to 
   throw or thrust with effort : HURL  2: to throw (a shuttle) across the loom 
4. pick n dial Eng  1a: the act of pitching or throwing  1b: something 
   thrown  2a: a throw of the shuttle by which the speed of a loom is 
   calculated  2b: one filling thread taken as a unit of fineness of fabric 
5. pick n [ME pik] 1: a heavy wooden-handled iron or steel tool pointed at 
   one or both ends  2a: TOOTHPICK  2b: PICKLOCK  2c: PLECTRUM