Webster's English Dictionary

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Cross references:
  1. leaf mold             
1. mold \'mo-ld\ n [ME, fr. OE molde; akin to OHG molta soil, L molere to 
   grind]- more at MEAL 1: crumbling soft friable earth suited to plant growth 
   : SOIL; e sp : soil rich in humus dial Brit  2a: the surface of the earth : 
   GROUND  2b: the earth of the burying ground  archaic  3: earth that is the 
   substance of the human body 
2. mold n [ME, fr. OF modle, fr. L modulus, dim. of modus measure - m]ore 
   at METE 1: distinctive nature or character : TYPE  2: the frame on or 
   around which an object is constructed  3a: a cavity in which a substance is 
   shaped : as  3a1: a matrix for casting metal  3a2: a form for a jelly or 
   other food  3b: a molded object  4: MOLDING  obs  5a: an example to be 
   followed  5b: PROTOTYPE  5c: a fixed pattern or contour 
3. mold \'mo-l-d*-b*l\ vt archaic  1: to knead (dough) into a desired 
   consistency or shape  2a: to shape in a mold  2b: to exert influence on  3: 
   to fit the contours of  4: to ornament with molding or carving  - mold.able 
4. mold n [ME mowlde] 1: a superficial often wooly growth produced on damp 
   or decaying organic ma tter or on living organisms 2: a fungus (as of the 
   order Mucorales) that produces mold 
5. mold vi : to become moldy