Webster's English Dictionary

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Cross references:
  1. cowcatcher             2. guide                 
1. pi.lot \'pi--l*t\ \-l*s\ n [MF pilote, fr. It pilota, alter. of pedota, 
   fr. (assumed) MG]k pe-do-te-s, fr. Gk pe-da steering oars, pl. of pe-don 
   oar; akin to Gk pod-, pous foot - more at FOOT 1a: one employed to steer a 
   ship : HELMSMAN  1b: a person who is qualified and usu. licensed to conduct 
   a ship into and  out of a port or in specified waters, often for fixed fees 
   2: GUIDE, LEADER  3: an inclined frame on the front of a railroad 
   locomotive for throwing obs tacles off the track 4: one who flies or is 
   qualified to fly an airplane  5: a piece that guides a tool or machine part 
    - pi.lot.less aj
2. pilot vt 1: CONDUCT, GUIDE  2: to steer or set the course of; also : to 
   fly or act as pilot of 
3. pilot aj : serving as a guiding or tracing device, an activating or 
   auxiliary unit , or a trial or operation