Webster's English Dictionary

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Cross references:
  1. recede                
1. ret.ro.grade \'re-tr*-.gra-d\ aj [ME, fr. L retrogradus, fr. retro- + 
   gradi to go] of a celestial body  1a: having a direction contrary to that 
   of the general motion of similar b odies 1b: moving or directed backward {a 
   ~ step}  1c: contrary to the normal order : INVERSE; specif : writt en from 
   right to left {~ alphabet} 2: tending toward or resulting in a worse state  
   archaic  3: OPPOSED, CONTRADICTORY  4: characterized by retrogression 
2. retrograde av : BACKWARD, REVERSELY 
3. retrograde vb [L retrogradi, fr. retro- + gradi to go - more at GRADE)M 
   archaic  : to turn back : REVERSE  1a: to go back : RETREAT {a glacier ~s}  
   1b: RECAPITULATE  2: to decline to a worse condition