1. re.verse \ri-'v*rs\ aj [ME revers, fr. MF, fr. L reversus, pp. of
revertere to turn]back - more at REVERT 1a: opposite or contrary to a
previous or normal condition {~ orde r} 1b: having the back presented to
the observer or opponent 2: acting or operating in a manner contrary to
the usual 3: effecting reverse movement {~ gear} 4: so made that the part
normally black is white and vice versa {~ photoengraving} - av
2. reverse vt 1a: to turn completely about in position or direction 1b: to
turn upside down : INVERT 2: ANNUL : as 2a: to overthrow, set aside, or
make void (a legal decision) by a contrary decision 2b: to cause to take
an opposite point of view 2c: to change to the contrary {~ a policy} 3:
to cause to go in the opposite direction; esp : to cause (as an engine) to
perform its action in the opposite direction 1: to turn or move in the
opposite direction 2: to put a mechanism (as an engine) in reverse pposite
position. REVERSE is the most general term and may imply change in order,
side, direction, meaning; TRANSPOSE implies a change in order or relative
position of units often through exchange of position; INVERT applies
chiefly to turning upside down or inside out or less often end for end - n SYN syn REVERSE, TRANSPOSE, INVERT mean to change to the o
3. reverse n 1: something directly contrary to something else : OPPOSITE
2: an act or instance of reversing; specif : a change for the worse 3: the
back part of something; esp : VERSO 4a1: a gear that reverses something;
also : the whole mechanism bro ught into play when such a gear is used 4a2:
movement in reverse 4b: an offensive play in football in which a back
moving in one direction g ives the ball to a player moving in the opposite