Webster's English Dictionary

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1. cup \'k*p\ \'k*p-.li-k\ n [ME cuppe, fr. OE; akin to OHG kopf cup; both 
   fr. a prehistoric WGm]c word borrowed fr. LL cuppa cup, alter. of L cupa 
   tub; akin to OE hy-f hive 1: an open bowl-shaped drinking vessel  2a: the 
   beverage or food contained in a cup  2b: the consecrated wine of the 
   Communion  3: something that falls to one's lot  4: an ornamental cup 
   offered as a prize  5a: something resembling a cup  5b: a cup-shaped plant 
   organ  6: a usu. iced beverage resembling punch but served from a pitcher 
   rather t han a bowl 7: CUPFUL  8: a food served in a cup-shaped usu. footed 
   vessel {fruit ~}  : DRUNK  - cup.like aj
2. cup vt or cupped;  or cup.ping 1: to treat by cupping  2a: to curve into 
   the shape of a cup  2b: to place in a cup  - cup.per n