Webster's English Dictionary

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ex.po.sure \ik-'spo--zh*r\ n 1: the act or an instance of exposing : as  
   1a: disclosure to view  1b1: UNMASKING  1b2: PRESENTATION, EXPOSITION  1c: 
   an act of abandoning esp. in the open  1d1: the act of exposing a 
   sensitized photographic material  1d2: a section of a film for an 
   individual picture  1d3: the total amount of light or other radiant energy 
   received per unit ar ea on the sensitized material usu. expressed for 
   cameras in terms of the time and the lens f-number 2a: a condition or an 
   instance of being exposed; specif : the condi tion of being exposed to the 
   elements 2b: a position with respect to the points of the compass or to 
   climatic or  weather influences {a western ~}