Webster's English Dictionary

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1. saint \'sa-nt, before a name (.)sa-nt or s*nt\ n [ME, fr. MF, fr. LL 
   sanctus, fr. L, sacred, fr. pp. of sancire to m]ake sacred - more at SACRED 
   1: one officially recognized as preeminent for holiness esp. through canoni 
   zation 2a: one of the spirits of the departed in heaven  2b: ANGEL  3a: one 
   of God's chosen people  3b: one belonging to the entire company of baptized 
   Christians  cap  3c: a member of any of various religious bodies; specif : 
   LATTER -DAY SAINT 4: a holy or godly person  5: an illustrious predecessor 
2. saint \'sa-nt\ vt : to recognize or designate as a saint; specif :