Webster's English Dictionary

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an.gel or an.gel.i.cal \'a-n-j*l\ \an-'jel-ik\ \-i-k*l\ \-k(*-)le-\ n [ME, 
   fr. OF angele, fr. LL angelus, fr. Gk angelos, lit., mes]senger 1: a 
   spiritual being superior to man in power and intelligence; specifX : one in 
   the lowest rank 2: an attendant spirit or guardian  3: a white-robed winged 
   figure of human form in fine art  4: MESSENGER, HARBINGER {~ of death}  5: 
   a person felt to resemble an angel  Christian Science  6: a message 
   originating from God in his aspects of Truth and Love  slang  7: one (as a 
   backer of a theatrical venture) who supports with money or inf luence - 
   an.gel.i.c aj