Webster's English Dictionary

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1. sa.tiate \'sa--sh(e--)*t\ aj : SATIATED 
2. sa.ti.ate \'sa--she--.a-t\ \.sa--she--'a--sh*n\ vt [L satiatus, pp. of 
   satiare, fr. satis enough - more at ]SAD 1: to satisfy fully  2: GLUT, SATE 
   MGLUT, GORGE mean to fill to repletion, SATIATE and SATE may sometimes 
   imply only complete satisfaction but more often suggest repletion that has 
   destroyed interest or desire; SURFEIT implies a nauseating repletion; CLOY 
   stresses the resulting disgust or boredom of such surfeiting; PALL 
   emphasizes the loss of power to stimulate interest or appetite; GLUT 
   implies excess in feeding or supplying; GORGE suggests glutting to the 
   point of bursting or choking - sa.ti.a.tion n SYN syn SATIATE, SATE,