Webster's English Dictionary

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1. scald \'sko.ld\ vb [ME scalden, fr. ONF escalder, fr. LL excaldare to 
   wash in wa]rm water, fr. L ex- + calida, calda warm water, fr. fem. of 
   calidus warm - more at CALDRON 1: to burn with hot liquid or steam  2a: to 
   subject to the action of boiling water or steam  2b: to bring to a 
   temperature just below the boiling point  3: SCORCH  1: to scald something  
   2: to become scalded 
2. scald n 1: an injury to the body caused by scalding  2: an act or 
   process of scalding  3a: a plant disease marked esp. by discoloration 
   suggesting injury by heat  3b: a burning and browning of plant tissues 
   resulting from high temperature s and intense light
3. scald aj [scall + -ed] archaic  1: SCABBY, SCURFY  archaic  2: SHABBY, 
   CONTEMPTIBLE {~ rogues} 
4. scald  var of SKALD 
5. scald \'sko.ld\ aj : SCALDED