Webster's English Dictionary

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1. scrub \'skr*b\ n [ME, alter. of schrobbe shrub - more at SHRUB] often 
   attrib  1a: a stunted tree or shrub  1b: vegetation consisting chiefly of 
   such scrubs  1c: a tract covered with such vegetation  2: a domestic animal 
   of mixed or unknown parentage and usu. inferior confor mation : MONGREL 3: 
   a person of insignificant size or standing  4: a player not belonging to 
   the first string 
2. scrub vb or scrubbed;  or scrub.bing [of LG or Scand origin; akin to MLG 
   & MD schrubben to scrub, Sw skrubb]a 1a1: to clean with hard rubbing : 
   SCOUR  1a2: to remove by scrubbing  1b: to subject to friction : RUB  2: 
   WASH  3: CANCEL, ELIMINATE  : to use hard rubbing in cleaning 
3. scrub n 1: an act or instance of scrubbing  2: one that scrubs