Webster's English Dictionary

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1. scour \'skau.(*)r\ vb [ME scuren, prob. of Scand origin; akin to Sw 
   skura to rush] : to move about quickly esp. in search  1: to move through 
   or range over usu. rapidly  2: to examine minutely and rapidly  - scour.er 
2. scour vb [ME scouren] 1a: to rub hard for the purpose of cleansing  1b: 
   to remove by rubbing hard and washing  archaic  2: to make (a region) free 
   (as from undesired occupants)  3: to clean by purging : PURGE  4: to clear 
   (as a pipe or ditch) by removing dirt and debris  5: to free from foreign 
   matter or impurities by or as if by washing {@ wool} 6: to clear, dig, or 
   remove by a powerful current of water  1: to perform a process of scouring  
   2: to suffer from diarrhea or dysentery : PURGE  3: to become clean and 
   bright by rubbing  - scour.er n
3. scour n 1: a place scoured by running water  2: scouring action  3: 
   DIARRHEA, DYSENTERY - usu. used in pl. but sing. or pl. in  constr.