Webster's English Dictionary

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sel.vage or sel.vedge or sel.vedged \'sel-vij\ \-vijd\ n [ME selvage, prob. 
   fr. MFlem selvegge, selvage, fr. selvX self + egge edge; akin to OE self 
   and to OE ecg edge - more at EDGE 1a: the edge on either side of a woven or 
   flat-knitted fabric so finished a s to prevent raveling; specif : a narrow 
   border often of different or heavier threads than the fabric and sometimes 
   in a different weave 1b: an edge (as of fabric or paper) meant to be cut 
   off and discarded  2: BORDER, EDGE  3: the edge plate of a lock through 
   which the bolt is projected  - sel.vaged aj