Webster's English Dictionary

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1. shop \'sha:p\ \'sha:p\ \-.ke--p*r\ n or shoppe [ME shoppe, fr. OE 
   sceoppa booth; akin to OHG scopf shed] often attrib  1: a handicraft 
   establishment : ATELIER  2a: a building or room stocked with merchandise 
   for sale : STORE  2b: a small retail dstablishment or a department in a 
   large one offering a  specified line of goods or services 3: FACTORY, MILL  
   4a: a school laboratory equipped for instruction in manual arts  4b: the 
   art or science of working with tools and machinery  5a: a business 
   establishment; esp : OFFICE  5b: SHOPTALK  - shop.keep.er n
2. shop vi or shopped;  or shop.ping 1a: to examine goods or services with 
   intent to buy  1b: to probe a market in search of the best buy  2: to make 
   a search : HUNT