Webster's English Dictionary

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1. skate \'ska-t\ n or skates also skate [ME scate, fr. ON skata] pl  : any 
   of numerous rays (as of the genus Raja) with the pectoral fins  greatly 
   developed giving the animal a rhomboidal shape
2. skate n [modif. of D schaats stilt, skate, fr. (assumed) ONF escache 
   stilt;] akin to OF eschace stilt 1a: a metallic runner that has a frame 
   usu. shaped to fit the sole of a sho e to which it is attached and that is 
   used for gliding on ice 1b: ROLLER SKATE  2: a period of skating 
3. skate vi 1: to glide along on skates propelled by the alternate action 
   of the legs  2: to slip or glide as if on skates : pass lightly 
4. skate n [prob. alter. of E dial. skite (an offensive person)] 1: a thin 
   awkward-looking or decrepit horse : NAG  2: FELLOW