Webster's English Dictionary

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1. slab \'slab\ n [ME slabbe] : a thick plate or slice (as of stone, wood, 
   or bread) : as  : the outside piece cut from a log in squaring it  : 
   concrete pavement (as of a road); specif : a strip of concrete  pavement 
   laid as a single unjointed piece
2. slab vt or slabbed;  or slab.bing 1a: to divide or form into slabs  1b: 
   to remove an outer slab from (as a log)  2: to cover (as a roadbed or roof) 
   with slabs  3: to put on thickly {slabbed butter on the bread} 
3. slab aj [prob. of Scand origin; akin to obs. Dan slab slippey] dial 
   chiefly Eng  : THICK, VISCOUS