Webster's English Dictionary

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1. slice \'sli-s\ n [ME, fr. MF esclice splinter, fr. OF, fr. esclicier to 
   splinter, of] Gmc origin; akin to OHG sli-zan to tear apart - more at SLIT 
   1: a thin flat piece cut from something  2: a spatula for spreading paint 
   or ink  3: a serving knife with wedge-shaped blade {fish ~}  4: a flight of 
   a ball (as in golf) that deviates from a straight course and  curves to the 
   right of a right-handed player and to the left of a left-handed player
2. slice vt 1: to cut with or as if with a knife  2: to stir or spread with 
   a slice  3: to hit (a ball) so that a slice results  : to slice something  
   - slic.er n