Webster's English Dictionary

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1. wedge \'wej\ n [ME wegge, fr. OE wecg; akin to OHG wecki wedge, Lith 
   vagi]s 1: a piece of a substance (as wood or iron) that tapers to a thin 
   edge and  is used for splitting wood and rocks, raising heavy bodies, or 
   for tightening by being driven into something 2a: something (as a policy) 
   causing a breach or separation  2b: something used to initiate an action or 
   development  3: something wedge-shaped : as  3a: an array of troops or 
   tanks in the form of a wedge  3b: the wedge-shaped stroke in cuneiform 
   characters  3c: a shoe having a heel extending from the back of the shoe to 
   the front o f the shank and a tread formed by an extension of the sole 3d: 
   an iron golf club with a broad low-angled face for maximum loft 
2. wedge vt 1: to fasten or tighten by driving in a wedge  2: to force (an 
   object) into something for holding tightly : CROWD  3: to separate or force 
   apart with or as if with a wedge  : to become wedged