Webster's English Dictionary

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1. ste.reo.type \'ster-e--*-.ti-p, 'stir-\ n [F ste`re`otype, fr. ste`re`- 
   stere- + type] 1: a plate made by molding a matrix of a printing surface 
   and making from t his a cast in type metal 2: something conforming to a 
   fixed or general pattern; esp : a stan dardized mental picture held in 
   common by members of a group and representing an oversimplified opinion, 
   affective attitude, or uncritical judgment (as of a person, a race, an 
   issue, or an event)
2. stereotype vt 1: to make a stereotype from  2a: to repeat without 
   variation  2b: to develop a mental stereotype about  - ste.reo.typ.er n