Webster's English Dictionary

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1. ham.mer \'ham-*r\ n [ME hamer, fr. OE hamor; akin to OHG hamar hammer, 
   Gk akme]- point, edge - more at EDGE 1a: a hand tool consisting of a solid 
   head set crosswise on a handle and us ed for pounding 1b: a power tool that 
   often substitutes a metal block or a drill for the ha mmerhead 2: something 
   that resembles a hammer in form or action : as  2a: a lever with a striking 
   head for ringing a bell or striking a gong  2b1: an arm that strikes the 
   cap in a percussion lock to ignite the propell ing charge 2b2: a part of 
   the action of a modern gun that strikes the primer of the ca rtridge in 
   firing or that strikes the firing pin to ignite the cartridge 2c: MALLEUS  
   2d: GAVEL  2e1: a padded mallet in a piano action for striking a string  
   2e2: a hand mallet for playing on various percussion instruments (as a xylo 
   phone) 3: a metal sphere hurled in the hammer throw that usu. weighs 16 
   pounds  : for sale at auction  - under the hammer 
2. hammer \'ham-(*-)rin\ \'ham-*r-*r\ vb or ham.mer.ing 1: to strike blows 
   esp. repeatedly with or as if with a hammer : POUN D 2a: to make repeated 
   efforts  2b: to reiterate an opinion or attitude  1a: to beat, drive, or 
   shape with repeated blows of a hammer  1b: to fasten or build with a hammer 
    2: to strike or drive as if with a hammer  3: to produce or bring about as 
   if by repeated blows {~ out a poli cy} - ham.mer.er n