Webster's English Dictionary

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1. win.now \'win-(.)o-, 'win-*(-w)\ vb [ME winewen, fr. OE windwian to fan, 
   winnow; akin to OHG wintoB-n to fan, L vannus winnowing fan, ventus wind - 
   more at WIND 1a1: to remove (as chaff) by a current of air  1a2: to get rid 
   of (something undesirable or unwanted)  1b: SEPARATE, SIFT  2: to treat (as 
   grain) by exposure to a current of air so that waste matte r is eliminated 
   3: FAN  1: to separate chaff from grain by fanning  2: to separate 
   desirable and undesirable elements 
2. winnow n 1: a device for winnowing  2a: the act of winnowing  2b: a 
   motion resembling that of winnowing