Webster's English Dictionary

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Cross references:
  1. abate                 
1. wane \'wa-n\ vi [ME wanen, fr. OE wanian; akin to OHG wano-n to wane, OE 
   (Xwan wanting, deficient, L vanus empty, vain 1: to decrease in size or 
   extent : DWINDLE : as  1a: to diminish in phase or intensity - used chiefly 
   of the moon  1b: to become less brilliant or powerful : DIM  1c: to flow 
   out : EBB  2: to fall gradually from power, prosperity, or influence : 
2. wane n [ME, defect, fr. OE wana; akin to OE wan deficient] 1a: the act 
   or process of waning  1b: a period or time of waning; specif : the period 
   from full phase  of the moon to the new moon 2: a defect in lumber 
   characterized by bark or a lack of wood at a corner o r edge