Webster's English Dictionary

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Cross references:
  1. empty                 
1. void \'vo.id\ aj [ME voide, fr. OF, fr. (assumed) VL vocitus, deriv. of 
   L vacuus)X - more at VACUUM 1: containing nothing {~ space}  2: IDLE, 
   LEISURE  3a: UNOCCUPIED, VACANT {~ bishopric}  3b: DESERTED  4a: WANTING, 
   DEVOID  4b: having no members or examples {bid a ~ suit as a slam signal> 
   5: VAIN, USELESS  6a: of no legal force or effect : NULL  6b: VOIDABLE 
2. void n 1a: empty space : EMPTINESS, VACUUM  1b: OPENING, GAP  2: LACK, 
   ABSENCE  3: a feeling of want or hollowness  4: absence of cards of a 
   particular suit in a hand as dealt 
3. void vt [ME voiden, fr. MF vuidier, fr. (assumed) VL vociatre, fr. 
   Xvocitus 1a: to make empty or vacant : CLEAR  1b: VACATE, LEAVE  2: 
   DISCHARGE, EMIT {~ excrement}  3: NULLIFY, ANNUL {~ a contract}  - void.er 