Webster's English Dictionary

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1. am.bi.tion \am-'bish-*n\ n [ME, fr. MF or L; MF, fr. L ambition- 
   ambitio, lit., going around, fr. Xambitus, pp. 1a: an ardent desire for 
   rank, fame, or power  1b: desire to achieve a particular end : ASPIRATION  
   2: the object of ambition e for advancement. AMBITION applies to the desire 
   for personal advancement or preferment and may suggest equally a 
   praiseworthy or an inordinate desire; ASPIRATION implies a striving after 
   something higher than oneself or one's present status which may be 
   ennobling or uplifting or may be unwarranted and presumptuous; PRETENSION 
   suggests ardent desire for recognition of accomplishment without actual 
   possession of the necessary ability SYN syn AMBITION, ASPIRATION, 
   PRETENSION mean strong desir 
2. ambition vt : to have as one's ambition : DESIRE