Webster's English Dictionary

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1. vis.it \'viz-*t\ \'viz-*t-*d, 'viz-t*d\ \'viz-*t-in, 'viz-tin\ vb or 
   vis.it.ed;  or vis.it.ing [ME visiten, fr. OF visiter, fr. L visitare, 
   freq. of visa]re to go to see, fr. visus, pp. 1: to go to see in order to 
   comfort or help  2a: to pay a call upon as an act of friendship or courtesy 
    2b: to go or come to see in an official or professional capacity : IN 
   SPECT 2c: to dwell with temporarily as a guest  3a: to come to or upon as a 
   reward, affliction, or punishment  3b: INFLICT  1: to make a visit; also : 
   to make frequent or regular visits  2: CHAT, CONVERSE 
2. visit n 1a: a short stay : CALL  1b: a brief residence as a guest  1c: 
   an extended stay : SOJOURN  2: a journey to and stay or short sojourn at a 
   place  3: an official call or tour : VISITATION  4: the act of a naval 
   officer in boarding a merchant ship on the high seas  in exercise of the 
   right of search