Webster's English Dictionary

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1. buzz \'b*z\ vb [ME bussen, of imit. origin] 1: to make a low continuous 
   humming sound like that of a bee  2a: MURMUR, WHISPER  2b: to be filled 
   with a confused murmur {the room ~ed with e xcitement} 3: to make a signal 
   with a buzzer  1: to utter covertly by or as if by whispering  2: to cause 
   to buzz  3: to fly low and fast over {planes ~ the crowd}  4: to summon or 
   signal with a buzzer  dial Eng  5: to drink to the last drop 
2. buzz n 1: a persistent vibratory sound  2a: a confused murmur or flurry 
   of activity  2b: RUMOR, GOSSIP  3: a signal conveyed by buzzer; specif, 
   slang : a call on the  telephone