Webster's English Dictionary

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1. cap.sule \'kap-s*l, -(.)su:l\ n [F, fr. L capsula, dim. of capsa box - 
   more at CASE] 1a: a membrane or sac enclosing a body part  1b: either of 
   two layers of white matter in the cerebrum  2: a closed receptacle 
   containing spores or seeds : as  2a: a dry dehiscent usu. many-seeded fruit 
   composed of two or more carpels  2b: the spore sac of a moss  3: a gelatin 
   shell enclosing medicine  4: an often polysaccharide envelope surrounding a 
   microorganism  5: an extremely brief condensation  6: a compact usu. 
   detachable receptacle  7: a small pressurized compartment for an aviator or 
   astronaut for flight o r emergency escape
2. capsule aj 1: extremely brief  2: small and very compact