caste \'kast\ n [Pg casta, lit., race, lineage, fr. fem. of casto pure,
chaste, fr.] L castus; akin to L care-re to be without, Gk keazein to
split, Skt s'asati he cuts to pieces 1: one of the hereditary social
classes in Hinduism that restrict the occup ation of their members and
their intercourse with the members of other castes 2a: a division of
society based upon differences of wealth, inherited rank or privilege,
profession, or occupation 2b: the position conferred by caste standing :
PRESTIGE 3: a system of rigid social stratification characterized by
hereditary stat us, endogamy, and social barriers sanctioned by custom,
law, or religion 4: a polymorphic social insect (as the bee) that carries
out a particular f unction in the colony