Webster's English Dictionary

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Cross references:
  1. chase                 
1. trail \'tra-(*)l\ vb [ME trailen, fr. MF trailler to tow, fr. (assumed) 
   VL tragulare)X, fr. L tragula sledge, dragnet 1a: to hang down so as to 
   drag along or sweep the ground  1b: to extend over a surface in a loose or 
   straggling manner  1c: to grow to such length as to droop over the ground  
   2a: to walk or proceed draggingly, heavily, or wearily : PLOD,  TRUDGE 2b: 
   to lag behind : do poorly in relation to others  3: to move, flow, or 
   extend slowly in thin streams {smoke ~ing)X from chimneys} 4a: to extend in 
   an erratic or uneven course or line : STRAGGLE  4b: DWINDLE {voice ~ing 
   off}  5: to follow a trail : track game  1a: to draw or drag loosely along 
   a surface : allow to sweep the ground  1b: HAUL, TOW  2a: to drag heavily 
   or wearily (as a limb or the body)  2b: to carry or bring along as an 
   addition, burden, or encumbrance  2c: to draw along in one's wake  3a: to 
   follow upon the scent or trace of : TRACK  3b: to follow in the footsteps 
   of : PURSUE  3c: to follow along behind  3d: to lag behind (as competitor) 
2. trail n 1: something that trails or is trailed : as  1a: a trailing 
   plant  1b: the train of a gown  1c: a trailing arrangement (as of flowers) 
   : SPRAY  1d: the part of a gun carriage that rests on the ground when the 
   piece is u nlimbered 2a: something that follows or moves along as if being 
   drawn along : TR AIN 2b1: the streak produced by a meteor  2b2: a 
   continuous line produced photographically by permitting the image of  a 
   celestial body (as a star) to move over the plate 2c: a chain of 
   consequences : AFTERMATH  3a: a trace or mark left by something that has 
   passed or been drawn along :: SCENT, TRACK {a ~ of blood} 3b1: a track made 
   by passage through a wilderness : a beaten path  3b2: a marked path through 
   a forest or mountainous region