1. pan.el \'pan-*l\ n [ME, piece of cloth, slip of parchment, jury
schedule, fr. MF, piece of cloth,]piece, prob. fr. (assumed) VL pannellus,
dim. of L pannus cloth 1a1: a schedule containing names of persons summoned
as jurors 1a2: the group of persons so summoned 1a3: JURY 1b1: a group
of persons selected (as to advise) 1b2: a group of persons who discuss
before an audience a topic of usu. poli tical or social interest; also : a
discussion by such a panel 1b3: a group of entertainers or guests engaged
as players in a quiz or gues sing game on a radio or television program 2:
a separate or distinct part of a surface : as 2a: a fence section : HURDLE
2b1: a thin usu. rectangular board set in a frame (as in a door) 2b2: a
usu. sunken or raised section of a surface set off by a margin 2b3: a flat
usu. rectangular piece of construction material (as plywood) ma de to form
part of a surface 2c: a vertical section of fabric (as a gore) 2d: any of
several units of construction of an airplane wing surface 2e: a flat,
smooth, or unmarked area on a container 3: a thin flat piece of wood on
which a picture is painted; also : a painting on such a surface 4a: a
section of a switchboard 4b: a flat insulating support for parts of an
electrical device usu. with c ontrol handles on one face 4c: a usu.
vertical mount for controls or dials of instruments of measureme nt
2. panel \'pan-*l-in, 'pan-lin\ vt or pan.eled or pan.elled; or; or pan.el.ling : to furnish or decorate with panels