Webster's English Dictionary

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1. rip.ple \'rip-*l\ \-(*-)lin\ \-(*-)l*r\ vb or rip.pling [perh. freq. of 
   1rip] 1a: to become lightly ruffled or covered with small waves  1b: to 
   flow in small waves  1c: to fall in soft undulating folds  2: to flow with 
   a light rise and fall of sound or inflection  3: to move with an undulating 
   motion or so as to cause ripples  1: to stir up small waves on  2: to 
   impart a wavy motion or appearance to  3: to utter or play with a slight 
   rise and fall of sound  - rip.pler n
2. ripple n 1a: a shallow stretch of rough water in a stream  1b1: the 
   ruffling of the surface of water  1b2: a small wave  2: a sound like that 
   of rippling water