Webster's English Dictionary

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Cross references:
  1. solidus                2. virgule               
1. di.ag.o.nal \di--'ag-*n-*l\ \-'ag-*n-*l-e-, -'ag-n*-le-\ aj [L 
   diagonalis, fr. Gk diago-nios from angle to angle, fr. dia]- + go-nia 
   angle; akin to Gk gony knee 1a: joining two nonadjacent vertices of a 
   rectilinear or polyhedral figure  1b: passing through two nonadjacent edges 
   of a polyhedron  2a: obliquely from the vertical  2b: having diagonal 
   markings or parts  - di.ag.o.nal.ly av
2. diagonal n 1: a diagonal straight line or plane  2a1: a diagonal 
   direction  2a2: a diagonal row, arrangement, or pattern  2b: a twilled 
   fabric esp. of wool  2c: something placed diagonally  3: a mark / used 
   typically to denote "or" (as in and/or), "and or" (a s in 
   straggler/deserter), or "per" (as in feet/second)