Webster's English Dictionary

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1. dart \'da:rt\ n [ME, fr. MF, of Gmc origin; akin to OHG tart dart] 
   archaic  1a: a light spear  1b1: a small missile usu. with a shaft pointed 
   at one end and feathered on  the other pl but sing in constr  1b2: a game 
   in which darts are thrown at a target  2a: something projected with sudden 
   speed; esp : a sharp glance  2b: something causing sudden pain  3: 
   something with a slender pointed shaft or outline; specif : a st itched 
   tapering fold in a garment 4: a quick movement 
2. dart vt 1: to throw with a sudden movement  2: to thrust or move with 
   sudden speed  : to move suddenly or rapidly