Webster's English Dictionary

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Cross references:
  1. reach                  2. circumference         
1. com.pass \'k*m-p*s, 'ka:m-\ \-p*-s*-b*l\ vt [ME compassen, fr. OF 
   compasser to measure, fr. (assumed) VL com]passare to pace off, fr. L com- 
   + passus pace 1: CONTRIVE, PLOT  2a: EMCOMPASS  2b: to travel entirely 
   around  3a: ACHIEVE, ACCOMPLISH; also : OBTAIN  3b: COMPREHEND  - 
   com.pass.able aj
2. compass n 1a: BOUNDARY, CIRCUMFERENCE  1b: a circumscribed space  1c: 
   RANGE, SCOPE  2: a curved or roundabout path  3a: a device for determining 
   directions by means of a magnetic needle or gr oup of needles turning 
   freely on a pivot and pointing to the magnetic north 3b: any of various 
   nonmagnetic devices that serve the same purpose as the m agnetic compass 
   usu pl  3c: an instrument for describing circles or transferring 
   measurements consi sting of two pointed branches joined at the top by a 
   pivot - called also pair of compasses
3. compass aj : CURVED, CIRCULAR {a ~ timber}; specif : (MSEMICIRCULAR