Webster's English Dictionary

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1. dis.card \dis-'ka:rd, 'dis-.ka:rd\ vt 1a: to let go (a playing card) 
   from one's hand  1b: to play (a card) from a suit other than trump but 
   different from the o ne led 2: to get rid of as useless or unpleasant  : to 
   discard a playing card SCARD implies the letting go or throwing away of 
   something that has become presently useless or superfluous through often 
   not intrinsically valueless; CAST, esp. when used with off, away, and out, 
   implies a forceful rejection or repudiation; SHED and SLOUGH imply a 
   throwing off of something both useless and encumbering and often suggest a 
   consequent renewal of vitality or luster; SCRAP and JUNK imply throwing 
   away or breaking up as worthless in existent form SYN syn CAST, SHED, 
2. dis.card \'dis-.ka:rd\ n 1a: the act of discarding in a card game  1b: a 
   card discarded  2: a person or thing cast off or rejected