Webster's English Dictionary

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1. gaff \'gaf\ n [F gaffe, fr. Prov gaf] 1a: a spear or spearhead for 
   taking fish or turtles  1b: a handled hook for holding or lifting heavy 
   fish  1c: a metal spur for a gamecock  1d: a butcher's hook  1e: a climbing 
   iron or its steel point used by a telephone lineman  2: the spar upon which 
   the head of a fore-and-aft sail is extended  3a: HOAX, FRAUD  3b: GIMMICK, 
   TRICK  4: rough treatment : ABUSE  5: GAFFE 
2. gaff vt 1a: to strike or secure with a gaff  1b: to fit (a gamecock) 
   with a gaff  2: DECEIVE, TRICK; also : FLEECE  3: to fix for the purpose of 
   cheating : GIMMICK 
3. gaff n [origin unknown] Brit  : a cheap theater or music hall