Webster's English Dictionary

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Cross references:
  1. motive                
1. spur \'sp*r\ n [ME spure, fr. OE spura; akin to OE spurnan to kick - 
   more] [ME spores knighthood]at SPURN 1a: a pointed device secured to a 
   rider's heel and used to urge the horse  pl  1b: recognition and reward for 
   achievement  2: a goad to action : STIMULUS  3: something projecting like 
   or suggesting a spur : as  3a: a projecting root or branch of a tree  3b1: 
   a stiff sharp spine (as on the wings or legs of a bird or insect);  esp : 
   one on a cock's leg 3b2: a gaff for a gamecock  3c: a hollow projecting 
   appendage of a corolla or calyx (as in larkspur or  columbine) 3d: CLIMBING 
   IRON  4: a ridge or lesser elevation that extends laterally from a mountain 
   or mo untain range 5: a short wooden brace of a post  6: a reinforcing 
   buttress of masonry in a fortification  : on hasty impulse  - on the spur 
   of the moment 
2. spur vb or spurred;  or spur.ring 1: to urge (a horse) on with spurs  2: 
   to incite to action or accelerated growth or development : STIMULA TE 3: to 
   put spurs on  : to spur one's horse on