Webster's English Dictionary

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1. ghost \'go-st\ \-.li-k\ \'go--ste-\ n [ME gost, gast, fr. OE ga-st; akin 
   to OHG geist spir] often attrib it, Skt heda anger 1: the seat of life or 
   intelligence : SOUL {give up the ~> 2: a disembodied soul; esp : the soul 
   of a dead person believed to  be an inhabitant of the unseen world or to 
   appear to the living in bodily likeness 3: SPIRIT, DEMON  4a: a faint 
   shadowy trace  4b: the least bit : IOTA  5: a false image in a photographic 
   negative or on a television screen cause d esp. by reflection 6: one who 
   ghostwrites  - ghost.like aj
2. ghost vt 1: to haunt like a ghost  2: GHOSTWRITE  1: to move silently 
   like a ghost  2: GHOSTWRITE