Webster's English Dictionary

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at.tract \*-'trakt\ \-'trak-t*-b*l\ \-'trak-t*r\ vb [ME attracten, fr. L 
   attractus, pp. of attrahere, fr. ad-)X + trahere to draw - more at DRAW : 
   to cause to approach or adhere : as  : to pull to or toward oneself or 
   itself  : to draw by appeal to natural or excited interest, emotion, or 
   aestheti c sense : ENTICE : to exercise attraction ANT: ATTRACT is the 
   broadest of these in application, stressing only the fact of having or 
   exerting power to draw; ALLURE implies an enticing by what is fair, 
   pleasing, or seductive; CHARM implies the power of casting a spell over the 
   person or thing affected and so compelling a response, but it may, like 
   CAPTIVATE, suggest no more than evoking delight or admiration; FASCINATE 
   suggests a magical influence and tends to stress the ineffectiveness of 
   attempts to resist; ENCHANT is perhaps the strongest of these terms in 
   stressing the appeal of the agent and the degree of delight evoked in the 
   subject - at.tract.able aj SYN syn ALLURE, CHARM, CAPTIVATE, FASCINATE,