Webster's English Dictionary

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1. de.lay \di-'la-\ n 1: the act of delaying : the state of being delayed  
   2: the time during which something is delayed 
2. delay vb [ME delayen, fr. OF delaier, fr. de- + laier to leave,]alter. 
   of laissier, fr. L laxare to slacken - more at RELAX 1: to put off : 
   POSTPONE  2: to stop, detain, or hinder for a time  : to move or act slowly 
   mean to cause to be late or behind in movement or progress. DELAY implies a 
   holding back, usu. by interference, from completion or arrival; RETARD 
   applies chiefly to motion and suggests reduction of speed without actual 
   stopping; SLOW and SLACKEN both imply also a reduction of speed, SLOW often 
   suggesting deliberate intention, SLACKEN an easing up or relaxing of power 
   or effort; DETAIN implies a holding back beyond a reasonable or appointed 
   time, DALLY mean to move or act slowly so as to fall behind. DELAY usu. 
   implies a putting off (as a beginning or departure); PROCRASTINATE implies 
   blameworthy delay esp. through laziness or apathy; LAG implies failure to 
   maintain a speed set by others; LOITER and DAWDLE imply delay while in 
   progress, esp. in walking, but DAWDLE more clearly suggests an aimless 
   wasting of time; DALLY suggests delay through trifling or vacillation when 
   promptness is necessary - de.lay.er n SYN syn DELAY, RETARD, SLOW, SLACKEN,