Webster's English Dictionary

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1. jog \'ja:g\ vb or jogged;  or jog.ging [prob. alter. of shog] 1: to give 
   a slight shake or push to : NUDGE  2: to rouse to alertness  3: to cause to 
   go at a jog  1: to move up and down or about with a short heavy motion  2a: 
   to run or ride at a slow trot  2b: to go at a slow, leisurely, or 
   monotonous pace : TRUDGE  - jog.ger n
2. jog n 1: a slight shake : PUSH  2a: a joggling movement, pace, or trip  
   2b: a slow gait of a horse with marked beats 
3. jog n [prob. alter. of 2jag] : 1a : a projecting or retreating part of a 
   line or surface  : the space in the angle of a jog  2: a brief abrupt 
   change in direction 
4. jog vi or jogged;  or jog.ging : to make a jog