Webster's English Dictionary

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1. jolt \'jo-lt\ vb [prob. blend of obs. joll (to strike) and jot (to 
   bump)] 1: to cause to move with a sudden jerky motion  2: to give a knock 
   or blow to; specif : to jar with a quick or har d blow in boxing 3a: to 
   disturb the composure of  3b: to interfere with roughly, abruptly, and 
   disconcertingly  : to move with a sudden jerky motion  - jolt.er n
2. jolt \'jo-l-te-\ n 1a: an abrupt sharp jerky blow or movement  1b: a 
   jarring blow in boxing  2a1: a sudden feeling of shock, surprise, or 
   disappointment  2a2: an event or development causing such a feeling  2b: a 
   serious check or reverse  3: a small portion  - jolty aj