Webster's English Dictionary

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Cross references:
  1. interpose             
in.ter.fere \.int-*(r)-'fi(*)r\ vi [MF (s')entreferir to strike one 
   another, fr. OF, fr. entre- inter-] + ferir to strike, fr. L ferire - more 
   at BORE 1: to strike one foot against the opposite foot or ankle in walking 
   or run ning 2: to come in collision to be in opposition : CLASH  3: to 
   enter into or take a part in the concerns of others  4: to act reciprocally 
   so as to augment, diminish, or otherwise affect one  another 5: to claim 
   substantially the same invention and thus question the priorit y of 
   invention between the claimants football  6a: to run ahead of and provide 
   blocking for the ball carrier  6b: to hinder illegally an attempt of a 
   player to receive a pass  - in.ter.fer.er n