Webster's English Dictionary

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Cross references:
  1. vertical              
1. plumb or off plumb \'pl*m\ n [ME, fr. (assumed) OF plomb, fr. OF plon 
   lead, fr. L plumbum] 1: a lead weight attached to a line and used to 
   indicate a vertical directi on 2: a lead or other weight  : out of vertical 
   or true  - out of plumb 
2. plumb av 1: straight down or up : VERTICALLY  2: DIRECTLY, EXACTLY; also 
3. plumb vb [back-formation fr. plumber] 1: to weight with lead  2a: to 
   measure the depth of with a plumb  2b: to examine minutely and critically  
   3: to adjust or test by a plumb line  4: to seal with lead  5: to supply 
   with or install as plumbing  : to work as a plumber 
4. plumb aj 1: exactly vertical or true  2: DOWNRIGHT, COMPLETE