Webster's English Dictionary

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1. cue \'kyu:\ n [ME cu] : the letter q 
2. cue n [prob. fr. qu, abbr. (used as a direction in actors' copies of 
   plays) of]L quando when 1a: a word, phrase, or bit of stage business in a 
   play serving as a signal  for a specific speech or action 1b: something 
   serving a comparable purpose : HINT  2: a feature indicating the nature of 
   something perceived  3: the part one has to perform in or as if in a play  
   archaic  4: MOOD, HUMOR 
3. cue vt or cu.ing or cue.ing 1: to give a cue to : PROMPT  2: to insert 
   into a continuous performance {~ in sound effects} 
4. cue n [F queue, lit., tail, fr. L cauda] 1: QUEUE  2: a leather-tipped 
   tapering rod for striking balls in billiards and other  games
5. cue vb or cu.ing or cue.ing 1: BRAID, TWIST  2: to strike with a cue