Webster's English Dictionary

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Cross references:
  1. characteristic         2. strange               
1. pe.cu.liar \pi-'kyu:l-y*r\ aj [ME peculier, fr. L peculiaris of private 
   property, special, fr. Xpeculium private property, fr. pecu cattle; akin to 
   L pecus cattle - more at FEE 1: belonging exclusively to one person or 
   group  2: felt to be characteristic of one only : DISTINCTIVE  3: different 
   from the usual or normal :  3a: SPECIAL, PARTICULAR  3b: CURIOUS  3c: 
   ECCENTRIC, QUEER  - pe.cu.liar.ly av
2. peculiar n : something exempt from ordinary jurisdiction; esp : a church 
   or p arish exempt from the jurisdiction of the ordinary in whose territory 
   it lies