Webster's English Dictionary

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1. pun.cheon \'p*n-ch*n\ n [ME ponson, fr. MF poinc~X pointed tool, king 
   post (perh. fr. its] being marked by the builder with a pointed tool), fr. 
   (assumed) VL punction-, punctio pointed tool, fr. punctiare to prick, fr. L 
   punctus, pp. of pungere to prick - more at PUNGENT 1: a pointed tool for 
   piercing or for working on stone  2a: a short upright framing timber  2b: a 
   split log or heavy slab with the face smoothed  3: a figured stamp die or 
   punch used esp. by goldsmiths, cutlers, and engra vers
2. puncheon n [ME poncion, fr. MF ponchon, poinc~X, of unknown origin] 1: a 
   large cask of varying capacity  2: any of various units of liquid capacity 
   (as a unit equal to 70 gallons)