Webster's English Dictionary

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1. re.vere \ri-'vi(*)r\ vt [L revereri, fr. re- + vereri to fear, respect - 
   more at MWARY : to show devotion and honor to RE mean to regard with 
   profound respect and honor. REVERE further implies deference and tenderness 
   of feeling; REVERENCE suggests a self-denying acknowledging of what has an 
   intrinsic and inviolate claim to respect; VENERATE implies a regarding as 
   holy or sacrosanct esp. because of age; WORSHIP implies homage by word or 
   ceremony esp. to a divine being; ADORE adds to WORSHIP a more personal 
   emotion or may apply to any great and unquestioning love SYN syn REVERE, 
2. revere n [by alter.] : REVERS