Webster's English Dictionary

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1. rhyme \'ri-m\ n [alter. of ME rime, fr. OF] 1a: correspondence in 
   terminal sounds of two or more words, lines of verse,  or other units of 
   composition or utterance 1b: one of two or more words thus corresponding in 
   sound  1c: correspondence of other than terminal word sounds : as  1c1: 
   ALLITERATION  1c2: INTERNAL RHYME  2a1: rhyming verse  2a2: POETRY  2b: a 
   composition in verse that rhymes  3: RHYTHM, MEASURE 
2. rhyme vi 1: to make rhymes; also : to compose rhyming verse  of a word 
   or verse  2a: to end in syllables that rhyme  2b: to be a rhyme {cover ~s 
   with lover}  3: to be in accord : HARMONIZE  1: to relate or praise in 
   rhyming verse  2a: to put into rhyme  2b: to compose (verse) in rhyme  2c: 
   to cause to rhyme : use as rhyme